Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Staten Island Veterinarians

To be a part of Staten Island Veterinarians, you need to share their vision as well- a vision and commitment for veterinary health care. Providing the best quality healthcare is something that Vets at Staten Island do every day. Their goals go beyond that. They endeavor to make ground breaking advancements in the field of veterinary medical care.
Animal Hospital at South Staten Island is a multi-doctor as well as multi -specialty animal hospital with state of the art features like in-patient care, several operating rooms in addition to multiple diagnostic facilities like blood panel, urine analysis, ultrasound X-ray and even MRIs.
Diagnosis is the major element in any successful treatment and providing all diagnostic services under a single roof has made the process of treatment simpler for the doctor as well as the pet owner.
Learning as well as innovation is a part of daily regime with Vets Staten Island.  This New York based hospital is one of those few veterinary facilities that offer a very successful treatment for canine distemper, extensive ophthalmic treatments, blood transfusion facilities, spinal cord surgery, peritoneal dialysis and much more.
When you treat any pet, you also treat its owner. The recovery of your pet lies not just in our hands but in yours, the owner as well.  And without your understanding none of the treatments that we provide would be effective. At Staten Island New York animal Hospital, we strongly believe in spending quality time with pet owners and encouraging them to be a very effective part of our treatment process.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Why You Should Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Did you know that one of the most important things that your Staten Island veterinary will recommend for caring for the health of your dog is brushing their teeth? Many dog owners overlook the importance of caring for the teeth of their canine friend, but the truth is that animal dental care has a significant effect on overall health. 

There are many reasons why you should brush your dog’s teeth at least once per week, as it will help to prevent future trips to the Staten Island veterinary. Here are some of the top reasons:

  • Many people think that dogs naturally have bad breath and that it is normal, but it is actually a sign of periodontal disease. If it is left untreated it can lead to a bacterial infection that can enter the bloodstream and poison your dog’s inner organs such as their heart, liver and kidneys. 

  • Brushing your dog’s teeth will keep their gums healthy and strong, which will prevent tooth loss and weakness in their old age. 
  • Dogs that don’t get proper dental care can suffer from tooth abscesses, which are very painful and will require a trip to the Staten Island veterinary. 
  • Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly will get them used to you handling their mouth, which will ensure that they are calmer and better behaved while being examined by your Staten Island veterinary. 
  • It will also give you the chance to inspect your dog’s mouth for any issues such as fractured teeth or other orthodontic problems. Your dog will not let you know about these problems or even show any pain, so this is the only way you can spot these issues.
To find out more about dental care for your dog, talk to your Staten Island veterinary.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

My Cat Sleeps All Day – Is This Normal?

Every time you spot your feline friend, she is stretched out in the sun napping, curled up in a ball on the couch snoring away, reclined across your pillow, drifting off to dreamland. In fact, you are starting to wonder if she is ever awake! How many hours per day can your cat sleep anyway and is this normal behaviour or should you be taking her to your New York veterinary hospital?

The answer is that the average cat sleeps for anywhere between thirteen and eighteen hours per day! This is different depending on the age and energy level of the individual cat. If your cat sleeps for 18 hours in a day, she will be only awake for 6 hours which explains why you see her conscious so infrequently. 

There is likely nothing medically wrong with your cat, but if you notice that their sleeping schedule has changed significantly this might indicate that she has a health problem. In this case, you should take your cat to your New York Veterinary Hospital. If your cat suddenly appears sluggish and slow for no apparent reason, this might be the sign of a medical problem. On the other hand, if you notice that your cat is sleeping a lot less than usual, this can be a sign of a thyroid problem as well as several other issues. 

Cats are naturally nocturnal animals that tend to hunt during the night and sleep through the day. However, if you want to train your cat to be awake and active during the day and sleep at night, you can influence her behaviours by playing with her during daylight hours to keep her awake. 

If you have any other problems about cat behavior, don’t hesitate to contact your New York veterinary hospital.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Before Setting Off in the Winter – Check Your Car For Cats!

Cats love to curl up in all sorts of strange places for a snooze, from cardboard boxes to cupboards to under the couch. One of the most dangerous sleeping spots for a cat is when they curl up within the engine of your car.
Cats are drawn towards sleeping near car engines or car batteries in cold weather because of the warmth they provide. However, if you were to start your vehicle while a furry feline was sleeping within the engine, they could require an emergency visit to the cat hospital Staten Island or even worse. Unfortunately, many cats have died in this way or have been seriously hurt or disabled.
In fact, cats aren’t the only animals that do this. Small wild creatures including raccoons, mice, rats, squirrels and chipmunks can also bed down within your engine. They get into the engine by crawling through the undercarriage of the car.

Always Check Your Car in the Winter

How can you prevent hurting your cat or a neighbor’s cat who is sleeping in your car engine? Your cat hospital Staten Island recommends that in the winter you check your car before you set off every time. First of all, bang on the hood of the car above the engine to wake up any sleeping kitties and make them run away.
You can also double check by giving your horn a beep when you get in the car. The loud noise should be enough to wake up any cat and cause it to leave as quickly as possible. Your cat hospital Staten Island recommends that you make sure that you do this every time you get in your car.
It only takes you a couple of extra minutes to check the car for animals before you start the ignition, but the time that you take could save the life of a cat.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Did You Know That Your Cat is Probably Dehydrated?

The chances are good that your feline friend is likely suffering from chronic dehydration. The reason why it is likely is because most cats have this problem. Your Staten Island Animal Doctor can probably tell you many stories about treating cats with serious dehydration, which can cause bladder infections, kidney failure and other problems. 

Why do cats experience dehydration? The answer is that it is not in their natural instincts. Wild cats do not have the urge to drink water because they receive all of the fluids that they need from the pray they eat, such as lizards, small rodents and birds. These small animals usually contain about 70% water so there is no need for a wild cat to drink. Your domesticated cat will have retained this instinct and will not enjoy drinking water or be naturally drawn to it. 

However these days, cats don’t eat fresh animals but rather exist on a diet of dry kibble. There is much lower moisture content in this food source and cats don’t naturally drink enough water to compensate for this. This is the main reason why so many cats suffer from dehydration.  

The first thing that you can do to help your cat’s health is to switch them to a canned food diet which will contain much more moisture. Talk to your Staten Island animal doctor for a recommendation of the best food to buy. As well as the diet change, you can encourage your cat to drink more on a regular basis. 

Since cats don’t naturally like drinking water, you have to make it as appealing as possible for them. Your cat will prefer to drink fresh, cold water from a clean bowl, so wash and change the water dish often. They will also love running water, so turn on the faucet and encourage them to have a drink. 

For more information about cat health, contact your Staten Island animal doctor.