Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Why You Should Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Did you know that one of the most important things that your Staten Island veterinary will recommend for caring for the health of your dog is brushing their teeth? Many dog owners overlook the importance of caring for the teeth of their canine friend, but the truth is that animal dental care has a significant effect on overall health. 

There are many reasons why you should brush your dog’s teeth at least once per week, as it will help to prevent future trips to the Staten Island veterinary. Here are some of the top reasons:

  • Many people think that dogs naturally have bad breath and that it is normal, but it is actually a sign of periodontal disease. If it is left untreated it can lead to a bacterial infection that can enter the bloodstream and poison your dog’s inner organs such as their heart, liver and kidneys. 

  • Brushing your dog’s teeth will keep their gums healthy and strong, which will prevent tooth loss and weakness in their old age. 
  • Dogs that don’t get proper dental care can suffer from tooth abscesses, which are very painful and will require a trip to the Staten Island veterinary. 
  • Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly will get them used to you handling their mouth, which will ensure that they are calmer and better behaved while being examined by your Staten Island veterinary. 
  • It will also give you the chance to inspect your dog’s mouth for any issues such as fractured teeth or other orthodontic problems. Your dog will not let you know about these problems or even show any pain, so this is the only way you can spot these issues.
To find out more about dental care for your dog, talk to your Staten Island veterinary.

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